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Annotated Bibliography 

Below is a list of blogs that I found throughout my research on my learning philosophy. I will be reading these blogs to further my philosophy on learning and teaching.

*Click on the photo to bring you to the direct site to find more information. 

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Weimer, M. (2022, November 11). Does your teaching-learning philosophy align with your teaching? Faculty Focus.

This article discusses the importance of aligning one's teaching philosophy with instructional practices to enhance teaching effectiveness and student learning. It provides insights into various teaching philosophies and offers reflective questions to help educators evaluate the consistency between their beliefs about teaching and their actual teaching practices.


WGU. (2022, January 26). Learnings about learning styles. WGU.


This source examines the concept of learning styles and their implications for education. It explores different learning modalities and suggests strategies for accommodating diverse learning preferences in instructional design and delivery.


WGU. (2005, April 6). What Is Constructivism? WGU.


This article provides an overview of constructivism, a learning theory that emphasizes the active role of learners in constructing their understanding of the world. It explains key principles of constructivist pedagogy and its application in instructional settings


WGU. (2020, August 25). What is tactile learning? WGU.


This source defines tactile learning and discusses its importance in education, particularly for students who benefit from hands-on, experiential learning experiences. It offers examples of tactile learning activities and strategies for integrating tactile elements into instructional design.

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GoGuardian Team. (2024, February 9). The importance of celebrating diversity in K-12 classrooms. GoGuardian.

This article explores the significance of diversity in K -12 classrooms and highlights the benefits of celebrating diverse backgrounds and identities among students. It discusses strategies for creating inclusive learning environments that honor students' cultural heritage and promote equity and belonging. 

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Pathak, S. (2024, January 12). Relationship between teaching and learning. Class Plus App.,involves%20planning%2C%20strategizing%20and%20presenting

This source delves into the dynamic relationship between teaching and learning, emphasizing that effective teaching involves more than just transmitting knowledge—it requires understanding students' needs, motivations, and learning styles. The article explores various teaching methodologies and their impact on student learning outcomes.

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