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Elementary Ed Tech Podcast

Digital literacy is a right for all, just as traditional literacy is. We are in a pivotal era of AI and an unprecedented territory for an abundance of digital tools. Unfortunately, learning about these digital tools and technology is a luxury that many students are denied through public school education. It is up to educators like you and me to learn about technology and teach what isn’t readily available to many students so they can succeed and defy the odds of digital illiteracy. 


Throughout the ADL program, I have come to realize how much I truly enjoy and appreciate technology. Each day, I am learning about new tools and gaining new perspectives on tech. This journey is helping me become a better educator for my students through the use of technology. 


In episode one of my new podcast, I discuss how digital literacy instruction can improve reading comprehension and technological proficiency among third-grade students, I do touch on my previous experience with second-grade as well. This topic I am covering in the podcast is also the topic for a final publication draft I plan to submit through Edutopia in the future. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


You can also find more information about my plan to promote digital literacy by viewing my innovation plan, detailing my motivation and ideas toward integrating a digital literacy-friendly curriculum for teachers to teach students. 


The following are resources I encourage educators to look through to continue their exploration of digital tools discussed in the podcast. 

Podcast Transcript and References

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