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4 Disciplines of Execution

The whirlwind, that leaders and teams speak of, is the chaos of day to day life and often is the reason why executions of good ideas fail (Productivity Game, 2016). The whirlwind makes teams and leaders feel as if they can not successfully achieve their goals. For example, in education, the whirlwind of a teacher’s day to day life may be back to back meetings each week, so where is the time to plan a lesson and focus on student achievement? 4DX recommended you compensate for the whirlwind by focusing on your wildly important goal (W.I.G.), measure lead behaviors, put up a scoreboard, and schedule weekly accountability talks (Productivity Game, 2016). These four disciplines of executions can assist with the whirlwind effect of the day to day chaos. 

According to the 4DX, teams should focus on their wildly important goal, because a good idea without execution is worthless (Productivity Game, 2016). Also, focusing on the wildly important goal as a team will help alleviate those secondary tasks from seeming so chaotic. Often teams focus too much on lag time with desired results (Productivity Game, 2016). Teams become discouraged when they do not see the desired outcome within an allotted time. Without signs of improvement the execution suffers (Productivity Game, 2016). Lead behaviors are more important though, and teams should pay attention to lead behaviors instead of lag time because lead behaviors are the important day to day activities that will lead to a desired outcome (Productivity Game, 2016). Keeping score as a team can also determine successful executions because teams like to win. The will to win fuels executions (Productivity Game, 2016). Lastly, teams should meet weekly to hold accountability talks and question, “What will we do as a team to meet the goal?” (Productivity Game, 2016). 


Productivity Game. (2017, July 17). THE 4 DISCIPLINES OF EXECUTION by C. McChesney, S. Covey, and J. Huling [Video]. YouTube.

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