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Being the Change

Words are powerful, yet, the way we use words can either have a lasting effect or a minuscule effect. In the YouTube video The Power of Words there is an elderly man who is homeless and blind asking for money using a written sign that says, "I'm blind I can't see." but the people passing him by pay little to no attention (Power of Words, 2010). Suddenly, a young lady sees his despair and changes the written words on his sign to, "It's a beautiful day and I can't see it." and through a turn of events several passerby strangers tossed coins to the elderly man's can. It's perplexing that both signs depicted this notion of his blindness, yet how it was written changed the attitudes of how people responded.

Harapnuik stated that we have to appeal to people's hearts and not to their heads, because the obvious was stated, such as the fact he was blind and can't see, whereas once the words were changed into something meaningful and influential it influenced the people's heart (Harapnuik, 2015). Even the behavioral science (BS) guys stated that when we remind people of something they already know, a fact, it will not change their mindset (Crucial Learning, 2015). Rather, the best way to appeal to people who already know the information it is better to present influential questions, avoiding reactance, and allowing people a space to feel emotionally safe in wanting to change their mind (Crucial Learning, 2015).


Crucial Learning. (2015, January 5). How to Change People Who Don't Want to Change | The Behavioral Science Guys [Video]. YouTube.

Harapnuik, D. (2015, January 19). The head won’t go where the heart hasn’t been. It's About Learning - Creating Significant Learning Environments.

Power of Words. (2010, February 23). The Power of Words [Video]. YouTube.

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