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Change Behavior

Updated: Mar 3

Common sense is an adversary to the three myths of behavior change because common sense naturally opposes changes in behavior (Tedx Talks, 2013). The three myths included that defy common sense would be that education will change behavior, a change of attitude will change behavior, and that people know what motivates them to change actions in their behavior (Tedx Talks, 2013). Contrary to common sense, simply having an education and providing information isn’t enough, and how the information is presented matters to change the behavior (Tedx Talks, 2013). Dr. Cross discussed that if you want to see a behavior change then people will more often respond when they understand what they are losing (Tedx Talks, 2013). 

Common sense also opposes the myth that if you change your attitude you will change your behavior. Instead, attitudes follow behavior and behavioral expectations (Tedx Talks). Connecting values is also an important factor in changing behavior. Lastly, common sense resists the myth that people know what motivates them to take action when in actuality it is social norms that motivate actions (Tedx Talks). The connection between the change recommendations made by Dr. Cross and the Influencer's Model of Six Sources of Influence included students changing their behavior by personal motivation and social motivation. 

Some of the sources connect to Dr. Cross’s recommendations because student’s motivation lies within their educational goals, such as that education is simply not enough but how you view education matters in changing your goals and behavior (Greeny et al., 2013). Social motivation for students and social norms are closely related, for example, students are motivated when their peers and others in their surrounding environment encourage successful behavior (Greeny et al., 2013).   


Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2013). 

Influencer: The new science of leading change (2nd ed.). VitalSmarts. 

Tedx Talks. (2013, March 20). Three myths of behavior change - what you think you know that you don't: Jeni Cross at TEDxCSU [Video]. YouTube.

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