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Collaborating with Students and Taking Risk

Listening to students and taking their lead involves actively engaging with their perspectives, interests, and needs. It requires educators to relinquish the traditional role of sole knowledge providers and instead adopt a collaborative stance where they learn alongside their students (Edcan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan, 2016).

As co-learners, educators prioritize mutual respect and shared exploration of topics (Edcan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan, 2016). They encourage students to take ownership of their learning by incorporating their interests and experiences into the curriculum. This approach fosters a dynamic learning environment where both educators and students contribute to the construction of knowledge (Edcan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan, 2016).

Furthermore, being co-learners with students entails a willingness to embrace uncertainty and explore unfamiliar territory together. Educators model curiosity, adaptability, and resilience, demonstrating that learning is an ongoing process for everyone involved. In essence, listening to students and being co-learners with them means recognizing their agency, valuing their contributions, and embarking on a collaborative journey of discovery and growth.

Embracing collaboration, despite initial discomfort, necessitates a shift in mindset (Edcan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan, 2016). As articulated by Edcan Network, educators can cultivate this shift by adopting a growth mindset (2016). Within the realm of public education, collaboration not only fosters a culture of risk-taking but also facilitates growth (Edcan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan, 2016). This collaborative spirit extends beyond interactions among educators to encompass engagement with learners themselves. Embracing the learner-led approach requires educators to exhibit a willingness to take risks and embark on a journey of shared learning (Edcan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan, 2016). Be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Emphasizing lifelong learning, personal growth, and cultivating a growth mindset with a willingness to take risks are crucial because they empower individuals to adapt, thrive, and innovate in an ever-evolving world. These qualities not only foster resilience in the face of challenges but also enable continuous self-improvement and the pursuit of new opportunities. In essence, they are the cornerstone of personal and professional success in today's dynamic landscape.

Recognizing students' support and collaboration as enhancements to educators' skills and abilities is paramount. By embracing students as collaborators, educators tap into a wealth of diverse perspectives, enriching their understanding of subjects (Edcan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan, 2016). This collaborative approach not only tailors instruction to individual needs but also empowers students to take ownership of their learning journey (Edcan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan, 2016). Moreover, incorporating students' input fosters creativity and innovation in the classroom, while strengthening teacher-student relationships. In essence, viewing students' contributions as valuable assets enriches the learning experience, promotes empowerment, and cultivates a supportive and dynamic learning environment (Edcan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan, 2016).


Edcan Network Le Réseau ÉdCan. (2016, May 19). Innovation that sticks case study - OCSB: Risk taking [Video]. YouTube.

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