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Contribution to My Learning Community

Updated: Mar 3

This blog post is a reflection of my contributions to my learning and my learning community. As I reflect on my contribution within the courses 5303 Applying Educ Tech: Portfolio and 5305 Disruptive Innovation in Technology, my self-assessment is as follows:

5303 Applying Edu Tech: Portfolio: 89/100

5305 Disruptive Innovation in Technology: 44.5/50

My interpretation of self-evaluated score is based on having all but one of the supporting contributions being met within the courses

My learning community included myself, Kolawole Joshua, Audrey Parcell, and Candace Alexander. Each member within our group has supported each other by answering course related questions, sharing ideas, providing feedforward, and setting aside time to collaboratively revise work.

What Worked?

Collaboration and working with the members of my group made assignments within the two graduate courses much more attainable. Being able to converse with the members of my group helped me see varied ideas on how to build my ePortfolio, how to appropriately revise my work, and how to conduct research to support my proposal.

I took the initiative to find members and form our group by creating a Facebook group named Fall 2023 Master's Degree in Applied Digital Learning Lamar University where we could share course-related questions and collaborate on future projects, papers, and discussions. I posted the link to my Facebook group using Blackboard's student/faculty lounge discussion board. I also created our Facebook messenger group if urgent questions came about.

I enjoyed reviewing each member's posts and leaving feedforward. Each time members within our group would post their blog or assignments I was able to view their creative efforts on their ePortfolio. I was inspired by their work, especially Audrey's ePortfolio work, and I tried to fuse it within my ePortfolio to brighten up my page. Candace took the initiative within our group by creating Zoom meetings that would take place each Tuesday at 6 PM.

We each respected each other by utilizing feedforward and answering questions with online etiquette.

What Could I Do Better?

My response time to peers could have been better. I often found myself slacking in this area within both courses due to my personal work life and caring for my 16-month-old daughter. The work-life balance was slightly conflicting at times. I would often post and reply to 2 peers on the same day on Sunday, instead of posting my discussion on Wednesday and responding to 2 peers by that same Sunday. Furthermore, I could have reached out to peers outside of my group for feedback, but I stuck with my 3 group members to collaborate and this became an issue as I did not have much feedforward on my group posts to revise my work. I also received feedback on my innovation proposal forgetting to add research and support my ideas, but I promptly went back and conducted the proper research needed. I also forgot to use proper verb tense for my literature review resulting in points being docked.

Contribution to the Learning Community

I attended most meetings, except a few, in both Dr. Sue's and Dr. Singh's classes. During meetings, I took notes, conversed through chat or verbally, participated in answering questions during meetings, and asked questions. If members within my group couldn't attend I would report back to the group with my notes. If I did miss a meeting I would watch the recorded sessions later on.

I created a Facebook to promote an environment of collaboration. I provided feedback to group members, such as Candace and Audrey.

I reflected on feedback given by Dr. Sue and Mr. Gann, the teaching assistant for Dr. Singh, and revised my work accordingly. I watched YouTube videos posted as part of the discussion prompts, I read Dr. Harapnuik's blog posts to explore the topics more deeply, and I read the research that was suggested and posted as guiding points for each assignment.

I wrote discussion posts and blog posts in APA format. This has become a great practice for future graduate coursework as now it's become a habit to research and cite appropriately.

In conclusion, I believe I've met the majority of the key components of contributing to my learning and my learning community. Being a part of both courses has helped me realize that I will need to conduct more research, manage my work-life balance, and reach out to more members who are outside of my group in future courses to receive more feedback. Overall, it has been a positive and conductive learning experience!

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