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COVA and My ePortfolio

I started the ADL program in October of 2023. Thus far, I have gained a better understanding of the COVA framework and why the ADL program can inspire graduate students to become stronger leaders. When I started the ADL program I wasn’t sure what an ePortfolio was or why it would benefit my course work. Now, I understand its value in showcasing my knowledge and growth over time as a learner. I find it satisfying to take accountability for my own learning during these courses and I have thoroughly enjoyed networking with peers. 

I plan to incorporate Harapnuik's COVA framework into my ePortfolio during the duration of my graduate coursework by choosing how I present my learning, owning the words and voice I use to express my learning, and contributing to the authentic learning that will show case through my professional and real experiences. For example, I choose to use a lot of graphic design in my ePortfolio to express a fun and eclectic theme. My personality is eclectic and I want to show this side of my personality in my work and in the way I speak.  

Beyond the ADL program I envision that I will continue using the COVA framework in designing my own teacher website that will benefit a future campus community I work for. I enjoy helping others and I feel accomplished when I am utilizing my knowledge and skills from the ADL in my professional life. I also find that the leadership skills I have learned during my previous coursework and current coursework will be helpful in the future of my career. Currently, I put into practice these newly learned communication and technology skills. I am seeing great success in each area and better relationships with colleagues.

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