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COVA Framework

Updated: Mar 3

The COVA framework has given me a changed sense of perspective as not only a student but an educator too. I began the ADL program in October 2023, and within the last three months, I have seen how the COVA approach can enhance my choice, ownership, voice, and opportunities for authentic learning. Naturally, when you begin any graduate course there’s a learning curve. COVA has allowed me to take a step back from this intense learning curve and appreciate the reality that within this ADL program I have a choice in how I present my learning, I have been able to take ownership of what I learn, I have a voice to present my learning more comfortably instead of being academically inclined to speak professionally in every writing assignment, and the learning I have experienced relates to my career and environment. 

Harapnuik stated in his blog that the ADL program is intentionally designed to develop digital knowledge and leadership abilities to give students tools, skills, and knowledge to empower their educational community to step outside their comfort zone and into the digital future (2022). I agree wholeheartedly with his words because thus far in the ADL program I am finding myself building each of the topics discussed. I will say, that one of the more challenging pieces to COVA is voice. Voice means to use your voice to structure your work, and ideas, and share those findings with colleagues within the organization (Harapnuik, 2018). Voice is challenging because since elementary school you are given a way in which to respond academically to assignments. I constantly find it hard to let the expressive side of my learning show, because I want to sound professional on all platforms. 


Harapnuik, D. (2022, December 12). Applied digital learning. It's About Learning Creating Significant Learning Environments

Harapnuik, D. (2018, July 14). COVA. It's About Learning Creating Significant Learning Environments The COVA framework has

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