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Creating a Culture of Helpfulness & Growth Mindset

The brain is a powerful organ yet this fist sized organ controls so many emotions. Naturally, humans are reluctant to challenge and even judgement. If we take away what is stated from TEDx Talks there’s mention that those who have a fixed mindset are afraid of judgment, failure, and being wrong while those who adopt a growth mindset accept learning and challenges (TEDx Talks, 2012). Adopting a growth mindset takes brain practice to shift your mindset. Before I adopted a growth mindset, challenges gave me anxiety, I did not see my effort as meaningful, and I envied the success of colleagues. Now that I have experienced both personal and professional challenges I have trained my brain into a growth mindset. I often tell myself, “Just do it, what's the worst that can happen?” and even though my heart is beating fast I remain courageous. I accept when my colleagues succeed and remind myself it just has not happened for me yet. Having a growth mindset also changes the way you receive and give feed forward. Acknowledge what was successful and reflect on the challenge in a meaningful way. Adopting a growth mindset has changed how I respond to my second graders and as a class we practice a particular saying which is, “Practice makes better.” In our classroom we know that even if the skill hasn’t been mastered yet, with practice we can master it one day. I notice my students participate more, they are more enticed to show their work, and collaborate with peers knowing that I have their back and believe in their growth.


TEDx Talks. (2012, November 18). The Power of belief -- mindset and success | Eduardo Briceno | TEDxManhattanBeach [Video]. YouTube.

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