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Goals and Growth Mindset

Updated: Mar 3

One important goal I have regarding technology integration in my career includes successfully teaching digital literacy skills to students so that they can be independent, responsible, and successful for the rest of their lives when they use technology. I always knew I loved technology, but never did I imagine that I would have an opportunity like this to reach students in an impactful way. Technology is the future of education and I believe that it truly is my goal and duty to guide students towards a path in which they can use technology too in a way that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. My passion is the same passion educators have for teaching students how to read. Oftentimes you’ll hear educators say that literacy is a right, and to me, so is digital literacy now. 

I often consider myself to have a growth mindset, but when I am stressed I become fixated and have a fixed mindset. When I become fixated on what I am stressed about in my career it hinders me from my potential and growth. These fixations do make it harder for me to achieve the desired goals, especially when it comes to designing a digital literacy curriculum and using technology with my students. I will never truly build up a resistance to failure, but I can learn how to grow from my failures and stress and build my confidence to reach my goals. When pursuing life goals I believe that the why is the most important, because the why is how your brain activates is engaged, stays motivated, and relates to your interest.

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