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How do we get people who like the traditional to like the digital? Progressive education.

Updated: Mar 3

As much as things change in education, they (traditional and progressive education) also seem to stay the same. Naturally, rejection to change is normal until there is a reason for change. In terms of progressive education it is a futuristic approach to learning. Progressively thinking, children learn by doing, they learn with practical everyday life applications, and children respond to practical teaching (Danieljbmitchell, 2007). Our goal in education should be to prepare our students for the future, such as digital learning, and not the past, which is closely tied to the pen and paper and repetition of arithmetics (Danieljbmitchell, 2007). So, how do we get people who like traditional approaches to education to like a progressive approach to education, such as the future of digital learning environments? Well, we must first give a reason why stakeholders in education should improve the current traditional system (Harapnuik, 2014). Secondly, find the key influencers within the stakeholders, and give a reason why the change is important with 1 or 2 key activities that showcase the benefit of digital education (Harapnuik, 2014). Now, change never happens all at once. It will take time for key influencers and stakeholders to see the why. To create change there should be an effective strategy to showcase implementation of the key activities, such as comparing and contrasting the benefits of digital education to common core (Harapnuik, 2014). Lastly, choose key influencers who go against the grain. These leaders who promote change are self differentiated individuals who are confident in sharing their thoughts and opinions (Harapnuik, 2014). Following these steps may possibly guide our traditional education system towards a successful digital transformation.


Danieljbmitchell. (2007, August 1). Progressive Education in the 1940s [Video]. YouTube.

Harapnuik, D. (2014, September 16). People who like this stuff…like this stuff. It's About Learning Creating Significant Learning Environments.

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