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Influencer Strategy

Updated: Feb 11

Four or more, but preferably six, sources of influence make the greatest impact on changing behavior (Crucial Learning, 2023). A source of influence by itself usually does not entice a person to change their behavior. For example, in the video All Washed Up several children were grouped and within each test group the sources of influence are explored to see what it would take to wash their hands knowing that a sick child has touched the anatomy puzzle pieces. In each group they explored personal motivation, change the environment, deliberate practice, and peer pressure (Crucial Learning, 2023). 

Once there were 4 influences being practiced the change was greater! Children responded to a peer reminding them to wash their hands, they noticed the sign, and they had personal motivation to not become sick. It’s important to take what was learned from this video into consideration because the six sources of influence will guide the greatest impact and change in having others change their behavior in terms of seeing the vision in your innovation plan. The goal is to have the greatest influence so that your effort in promoting your innovation plan can be successful. Peer influence can help my own innovation plan because if I have one person on my team who believes in the vision that digital literacy is important, then it can really jump start the rest of the crowd into buying into the belief that it truly is essential for students. 


Crucial Learning. (2023, October 4). All Washed Up [Video]. YouTube.

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