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The Power of Grit

In her thought-provoking TED talk, Duckworth (2013) challenges the conventional notion of student ability, suggesting that perhaps it's not solely determined by IQ but rather by perseverance. This notion resonates deeply with my own experiences in the classroom, where I've observed similar patterns among my students. Despite having high IQ scores, some of my top-performing students often falter when faced with academic challenges, while those whom I consider my "bubble" students surprisingly excel in the same tasks. Reflecting on these observations, Duckworth's insights ring true: there is indeed a formidable power in the resilience and determination exhibited by students who refuse to give up (TED, 2013).

Duckworth's concept of "grit" encapsulates this occurrence clearly, defining it as the combination of passion and perseverance that drives students to overcome obstacles in their academic pursuits (TED, 2013). This concept resonates deeply within the context of my second-grade classroom, where I've noticed a distinct lack of grit among many of my students. Coming from backgrounds marked by poverty, where the value and importance of education may not be emphasized, these young learners often lack the intrinsic motivation and understanding of what it truly means to persist in the face of adversity (TED, 2013).

In response to this challenge, I've made it a priority to instill the concept of grit within my classroom curriculum. Recognizing that grit is not innate but can be cultivated through deliberate effort and practice, I've dedicated time to explicitly teach my students the value of perseverance. I emphasize the idea that improvement and mastery come through consistent practice over time, rather than through immediate success. By illustrating that progress is gradual and incremental, I aim to empower my students with the mindset and tools necessary to navigate challenges with resilience and determination.

Through this deliberate focus on fostering grit, I hope to equip my second-grade students with the essential skills and mindset needed to thrive not only academically but also in their future endeavors. By instilling within them a sense of perseverance and resilience, I aspire to cultivate a generation of learners who are not deterred by setbacks but rather embrace them as opportunities for growth and development. In doing so, I believe we can empower our students to unlock their full potential and realize their aspirations, regardless of the obstacles they may encounter along the way.


TED. (2013, May 9). Grit: The power of passion and perseverance | Angela Lee Duckworth [Video]. YouTube.

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