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Show me Yours and I will Show You Mine - ePortfolio

The framework that Dr. Harapnuik and Dr. Thibodeaux have provided in their eBook captures a solidified take on what creates a ePortfolio and that is the student's ability to use COVA, a short acronym for choice, ownership, voice, and authentic learning (Harapnuik & Thibodeaux, 2023). In the eBook there is a point made by Harapnuik that discusses how students still need guidance and in terms of ePortfolios it is only natural that the teacher should share their own work too (Harapnuik & Thibodeaux, 2023). During the course of 5303, I have been able to practice utilizing the COVA approach. I have the choice to create and freely express my thoughts and creativity in an authentic way for my own learning. I have voice in how I share my thoughts on my ePortfolio and I own my work.

One ePortfolio I viewed from a previous student was Brooke Josephs. Her ePortfolio was the building block for many of the aesthetics I capture on my own ePortfolio. It is bright and colorful, almost eclectic in a artistic way. Another ePortfolio from a current course that I captured ideas from was Audrey Parcell. Her ePortfolio was easy to navigate, colorful, and I enjoyed the graphics she included for her work.

Looking at others' ePortfolios guided me. It built a confidence within me to know I can do this on my own and that I can also make my own ePortfolio unique.


Harapnuik, D. & Thibodeaux, T. (2023). COVA: Inspire Learning Through Choice, Ownership, Voice, and Authentic Experiences. Learner's Mindset Publishing- Chapters 7 - 9

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