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The Benefit of Networking

Learning Networks

I have chosen to be a part of four learning networks. These four networks include Google Applied Digital Skills, Google Education, Magic School AI, and Edutopia. These networks are related to my interest in educational technology, digital literacy, and public education. 

Google Applied Digital Skills is a learning platform and network in which educators can collaborate and sign up to create classes for their students to teach digital skills through Google ready-made curriculum. This type of learning network is a great technological resource for educators. 

Google Education is the second learning network I joined. This network shares how educators can utilize Google tools together to drive educational impact and shares what is currently happening in the education world. 

Magic School AI is an amazing learning network that has a special mission. Their mission is to use artificial intelligence to combat teacher burnout and turn over rates. Their tools and networking tactics are designed to emphasize the realities of teaching. Specifically, many resources on Magic School AI tackle tedious tasks only teachers might recognize, such as email responding, lesson planning, unpacking TEKS for PLCS, scaffolding lessons, lesson questions, etc. They have a community of educators who serve as ambassadors.

Edutopia is a learning network that I have also joined in which educators can read on best practice and view what works in education. Edutopia shows educators how they can adopt these new practices, skills, innovation methods into the real world of their classrooms. I joined this learning network, because I believe in their mission of utilizing best practices to reach classrooms and apply it to the real world.

These learning networks interest me and have kept me engaged in current issues and best practices to use on students. I find it helpful to find a network in which I can collaborate with and stray away from the burn out effect of education. 

In my current field we collaborate through professional learning communities and each week we discuss best practices for each week’s lesson. We also discuss common formative assessments and intervention strategies. I also engaged with my campus tech coach, because she designed a website for our district to share digital resources to utilize in the classroom. It has been very helpful collaborating with her because it reduces some of the tedious tasks I face in the classroom. 

Annotated List of Learning Networks

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