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What is an ePortfolio?

Updated: Feb 11

An ePortfolio is a unique creation of work gathered with a purposeful focus on a topic, trend, or issue. In terms of this course the ePortfolio will be centered around digital learning and technology within education. An ePortfolio does not require extensive jargon and scholarly explanations; it should be simple in creation and easy to understand as other readers will view your work (Harapnuik, 2023). Furthermore, it is your evidence of learning and thoughts over time (Harapnuik, 2023). As mentioned by Dr. Harapnuik ePortfolios are owned by the creator and ePortfolios require work to create and maintain, but the reward of your ePortfolio is satisfying seeing your work come together (Learners Mindset, 2023).


Harapnuik, D (2023, September). ePortfolio. It’s About Learning.

Harapnuik, D (2023, September). What is an ePortfolio. It’s About Learning.

Learners Mindset (2023, September 4). ePortfolio Overview [Video]. YouTube. URL

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