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What Really Works?

In my experience as an educator, I have found that professional learning opportunities are not always effective. As Kristin Daniels highlights in her TEDx Talks presentation, most professional development sessions are organized by administrators who invite experts to share information and distribute informational materials (2013). However, these sessions do not always provide teachers with the opportunity to ask questions or understand the reasoning behind new practices (TEDx Talks, 2013).

In her TEDx Talks presentation, Kristin shared her experience working with three types of teachers and their self-learning journey to professional development. One teacher was hesitant about technology and did not know where to start, while another had some technology experience but needed a better solution for grading (TEDx Talks, 2013). The third teacher was knowledgeable about technology and wanted to use it to create meaningful projects for her students that would last beyond the school year (TEDx Talks, 2013). In all three cases, Kristin noted that the teachers were able to have effective professional development experiences because their administrators provided the necessary resources and support (TEDx Talks, 2013).

I believe that my district could benefit from listening to teacher feedback on professional development. Many teachers have expressed a desire for more technology and curriculum development. However, this year, all of our professional development sessions focused solely on data and did not allow for questions or feedback. This has left many teachers feeling frustrated and unsupported.

Unfortunately, due to budget cuts, this issue may not be resolved in our district. As a result, I have decided to look for opportunities in other districts that offer more effective professional learning opportunities. I believe that teachers should have access to resources and support that allow them to develop their skills and provide the best education possible for their students.


TEDx Talks. (2013, November 6). Empowering the teacher technophobe: Kristin Daniels at TEDxBurnsvilleED [Video]. YouTube.

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