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Why use an ePortfolio?

Whether the learner is young or older, an ePortfolio is a useful tool. ePortfolios serve several purposes such as creating deeper & active learning, student choice, ownership, voice, and authenticity, and the ability to serve as an assessment of what one has learned (Harapnuik, 2023). Learning requires an active mindset and in order to go deeper with learning the learner must be able to create something meaningful and reflective regarding what they have learned so far in their courses or lessons. An ePortfolio allows higher education students to reflect through creating blog posts on the learning they have experienced and found most useful. The COVA acronym is best applied to why ePortfolios are essential because the creation becomes authentic to the learner allowing for opinions to be openly expressed, owning the words they write, and having choice in the way their opinions and assignments are represented (Harapnuik, 2023). Lastly, in relation to the real world as the learner completes and adds on to their personal ePortfolio it serves as a digital assessment for what the learner has accomplished and mastered. For high school students, ePortfolios serve as a tool to showcase their knowledge and skills to potential employers or universities while adults can utilize ePortfolios for the same reason, to showcase their knowledge, skills, and resume digitally to employers (Harapnuik, 2023).


Harapnuik, D. (2023, September). Why Use an ePortfolio. It’s About Learning.

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