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Publication Rough Draft

The average score I received from my cohort for my publication rough draft was 43.75. I have rounded this average score to 44 points.

How was the score averaged? 

Rose graded my publication rough draft as 45/50, Audrey graded me as 45/50, Samara graded me as 43/50, and Anna graded me as 42/50.  

1. I found the sum of all of my grades: 45+45+43+42=175.

2. I received a total of 4 grades.

3. I calculated my average grade by dividing 175 by 4 which equals 43.75. 


Below you will find my publication rough draft first. Following my rough draft, you will find documents related to each peer's rubric from which I was graded and given feedforward.


Anna's Rubric


Audrey's Rubric


Rose's Rubric


Samara's Rubric

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